
Media Studies (Key Stage 4)

Our curriculum in Media Studies is innovative, balanced, and challenging to cultivate curiosity, citizenship, and creativity in our students. Through a two-to-one ratio of written analytical work and production skills, our curriculum dynamically shifts depending on current world events, the latest media fads, or new communication technology. The immediacy of the subject engages students not only in their school-work, but in what is happening in the world around them at a practical and theoretical level.  

Year 10

Students begin Media Studies by developing the key vocabulary, theoretical concepts and skills. This maintains continuity with the aims of Years 7-9 English in their written work. Students learn to make connections between their new vocabulary and text with prior knowledge and skills from KS3 English. By the end of the year students will have been introduced to several forms of challenging media texts and technological skills which will allow them to begin their GCSE years with confidence. students utilise the key vocabulary, concepts and skills gained over the first year and apply them to the set texts for GCSE and their Coursework unit which allows them to showcase the skills they have developed over the year in Media. They delve deeper into theoretical concepts at the GCSE level and continue to develop their application and evaluative skills needed for their examinations.   

Year 11

In their final year of GCSEs students complete their theoretical investigation into two final forms of media text looking at TV Crime Drama and Music Video in detail. The culmination of their theoretical skills is put to the test with exam writing practice tutorials and mini mock exam question assessments. Students then prepare for their GCSEs through interleaved revision that reviews knowledge and skills for retention. 

Curriculum Plan GCSE Media Studies

OCR Media QualificationAQA GCSE Media Specification

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