Friends of Hampton High

Friends of Hampton High is the school’s PTA.

A very warm welcome to Friends of Hampton High (FOHH), we are an enthusiastic and dedicated group of parents and carers who work hard to support Hampton High in creating the best opportunities for our students.

We support staff at Parents’ Evenings, Open Evenings, Induction Days and many school performances and events. We hold regular fundraising activities, money raised then feeds back into the school and through projects that are agreed with staff and students.

How Friends fundraising benefits our students:

FOHH are always astounded by the generosity of parents and carers through the giving of time, donations, and support. Over the years, we have financially contributed to numerous projects that have enhanced the children’s educational experience, some examples of which include:

  • Technology: 3D printer / circular saw / tenor saw
  • Science: ‘Kerboodle’ an online learning site for Science / Revision workbooks / Mapwork textbooks / Workshop materials
  • Extra-Curricular: DofE Equipment / Y11 End of Year celebration
  • Arts: Dance Workshops / Digital Camera
  • Languages: subscription to “Quizlet” an online learning tool

How can you get involved

There are many ways to be involved, it’s not all about fundraising, although that’s an added benefit of some activities. Don’t be put off by thinking it involves huge time commitment, we are a supportive group and collaborate to make events fun and work around our daily work and family lives. Some examples of how you might get involved include:

  • Social Fundraising Events: Larger events like our popular FOHH Quiz will have a main coordinator, however we also need people on the night to help for an hour or two (i.e., setting up the room, serving drinks etc.).
  • School Events: We are regularly present at school events such as Parent Consultation Evenings and School Performances, supporting the teachers, providing refreshments and a parental presence.
  • Second Hand Uniform Sales: We regularly organise a second-hand uniform sales that not only raise considerable funds for the school, but also gives you the opportunity to pass on outgrown, but good condition, items and replenish uniform and sports kit. Our uniform sale on Saturday 18 May raised £345 thank you to all volunteers who helped.
  • Community Fundraising: Early December we organise a Christmas tree sale, as well as partner with the local Rotary Club on Santa’s Christmas Collection Sleigh to help raise funds for both the school and their chosen charity. These are always fun events and a great way to integrate in the wider community.

If you are unable to volunteer you can help simply by attending one of our fun socials or by using:

  • EasyFundraising: Sign-up using this link, and each time you shop online the school receives a free donation at no extra cost to yourself. So far, we have managed to raise nearly £4000!
  • Amazon Wishlist: FOHH have asked our teachers to compile a wish list of additional resources to enhance our students learning, so that parents and carers can contribute if they would like.
  • Amazon Smile: Sign-up using this link and choose Friends of Hampton High as your chosen charity and Amazon will donate when you shop, at no extra cost to you.

The ongoing success of FOHH is wholly dependent on the enthusiasm and generosity of every Hampton High family and for this, we are enormously grateful.

How to find out more

There are various ways to keep upto-date with the Friends activities, events and achievements:

  • Weekly Newsletters: Watch out for key event dates and Friends articles on the school’s newsletter.
  • Facebook: Join our dedicated closed FB group Hampton High Parents, which provides a fantastic platform for communicating information, asking questions, finding out what we do and celebrating our children’s achievements. It also helps you connect with other families and make you feel included in the life of the school.
  • Email: Should you have any questions, ideas, or just want to come on board and help out, please don’t hesitate to contact us

As soon as your child joins the school you automatically become a member of Friends of Hampton High, to find out more about how you could be involved, please contact us; we would love to hear from you!

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